Saturday, November 24, 2012

Article Writing and The Secret Of Keeping It High Value

Do you find it hard to know what to write? Sometimes I sit with my laptop staring at the screen wondering if I am going to be able to offer anything of value to my readers. I really don't just want to churn stuff out for the sake of it, which really doesn't help anyone.

A few years ago I was a leader in a small church, it was pretty much the same challenge there too. Every week at least twice I would need to stand up and deliver a message, a new message or an old message retold. It was usually the same audience so I couldn't re use the same thing week in week out. Though once I did stand up and say, "you haven't done what I said last week, so I'm not going tell you any more".

Every delivery had to be fresh, new illustrations and explanations. Each week I needed to inspire and encourage. I learnt two things that enabled me to keep up with this for several years.

1. Input - If you are going to keep putting out quality content, you are going to need more input. For me this is mostly in the way of reading. I devour books! All sorts of books but particularly books relating to success, business, personal development, leadership, and anything else which relates to my online business. More recently I have used CD's in the car, online videos and webinars. But the best thing about books is that what you read seems to stick better in mind that what you hear. You can also go back easily and reference things, get quotes etc.

2. Get out - Having lots of input is one thing but having an original thought or something useful to say is quite another. The secret is to get out more. Create space to think and digest all the stuff you've been inputting. I find that going for a long walk or bike ride is ideal, even driving. Or do something that doesn't require a lot of thinking, painting and decorating works well for me. Anything as long as you can let your mind wander over the things you've been reading or listening to. You soon find that fresh ideas start to take shape and you have something original and worthwhile sharing. Of course when you get to sit down and write you also have some reference points to help you build your argument. Capture your thoughts straight away. Either write them down or I often use the voice memo app on my phone.

I hope this is helpful to you in getting more productive with your writing. Don't forget that the better the content we write the better and bigger the following is likely to be of readers.

Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Tricks To Having Article Marketing Make You Money

When it comes to making cash on the internet the biggest issue that so many people have is they just do not understand where to begin and what to do - that's about to change. Something you have to realize is the more you know about making money online the easier it's all going to be.

The primary thing that you should understand is that article marketing is a great method to make quick cash and the reason is because there are millions of sites out there that you can get your articles on. For instance think about this, you compose 1 article and publish that on 5000 websites that all receive between 10-30 visitors each day. Don't you think you would be able to earn some money from the traffic that clicks through your link? I'm very sure you can and that is one of the reasons why I want to talk to you about article marketing and what it can accomplish for you.

If you want to earn quick cash from article marketing the first thing you have to know is that you must keep at it. Where lots of individuals fail is they begin article marketing with a false hope that they will be able to earn fast cash with just writing 1 article every few days but that is not the case. What you need to realize is that in order to earn fast cash you must write no less than one article everyday and submit that article to as many article directories and blogs as you can.

Tricks to earn fast cash with article marketing

Know your subject - If you're doing article marketing than make sure that you get what you're talking about. For instance do not talk about "Cancer" if you have no clue what that actually is. Do yourself and your readers a big favor and only talk about things you have experience in.

Publish bigger posts - I am not saying writing a post that is 2000 words but make it no less than 400 or else it'll be hard for you to earn cash quickly. The reason you want to write a little bigger of a post is to make sure that your readers get just what they were wanting to get out of your article.

Write daily - If you would like to make cash online then you have to understand that you have to write daily. Lots of individuals think it does not matter if you publish 2 articles per day or 14 in 1 day but the truth is that traffic is different each day of the week and because of that you need to try to average yourself out so that you receive as much traffic and make as much money as possible.

Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

The Importance of Using SEO Articles in Business

In today's business world, consumers search for products and services through the worldwide web, or internet. In response to this trend, businesses have created websites to promote themselves. SEO articles are a great way for your business to generate consumer activity on your targeted website. Through the use of specific keywords, search engines will be attracted to your website and link it to consumers. Once attracted to the site, consumers are able to become aware of and familiar with your business.

The initials SEO stand for 'search engine optimization.' SEO articles are a tool used in marketing to increase the visibility of a business' website. Article writers use a 1 to 3% keyword density to attract hits from search engines. This density creates a 'search engine-friendly' article. Engines scan websites for keywords and related phrases. When the search engine recognizes those keywords, it will link your website to the consumer's internet search. While specifically looking for keywords, the search engines also look for repetitive, unoriginal or copied material. If a site contains unoriginal material, the search engine is able to recognize it as such and will not link it to the consumer.

SEO articles can greatly increase the number of hits or visits to your website by targeted consumers. Carefully written articles have the appropriate keyword density and will also provide informative and interesting reading for the consumer. Through clear organization and well-thought out phrasing, an article can pique the reader's interest and encourage the consumer to browse through the rest of your business website. Businesses spend a great deal of money on maintaining websites and on advertising. Using an SEO article is an efficient way to guarantee that your money is being well-spent.

In order to draw traffic to a website, it is helpful to have someone not directly involved in the business write the article, as individuals employed in the industry will, over time, begin to use industry-familiar phrases and technical terminology in their writing. Allowing an outside writer to write the SEO articles for your website provides a link between the non-technical search queries and the technical websites. This also allows the search engines to correlate the searcher's language to the website's language.

In today's virtual world, it is not sufficient just to have a good website. The website needs to contain written material which search engines can scan for and recognize. This written material needs to be well-written and unique, attracting consumers and maintaining their continued interest. SEO articles are an important tool, bringing attention to a targeted website, bringing consumers to the business, and bringing the business to a modern level of marketing.

Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Article Marketing: More Traffic, More Backlinks!

Here's yet another great way to generate tons and tons of backlinks and ultimately gain more traffic to your site. It's called Article Marketing. This is one of my personal favorites, simply because after you get signed up for all the article directories, all you have to do is edit some profile information and put your link code in the Resource box. After that you can post your ORIGINAL, quality articles and your Resource box with your link code will be automatically placed on the article's page. Posting your articles on multiple article directories will ensure that you get the most links possible and a variety of them. The article directories that you'll want to be posting to are the ones with decent PageRank. Basically any site with a PageRank above 3 is good but if you find a reputable 2 level there's no reason to let it slide by.

By submitting your articles you're allowing others to place your articles on their sites as well (as long as they include your Resource box of course!). This, in turn, will be even more backlinks for you. The longer your articles are up the more popular they will become. I know from personal experience that an article can be found on thousands of sites across the net from only a few short months after publishing. This is a form of what I like to call viral marketing, because after the initial submission you really don't have to do anything but wait for others to link to it, and trust me, they WILL!

Some people like to claim that Article Marketing doesn't work or just isn't effective enough, but I can tell you for a FACT that Article Marketing, when used properly, can produce astounding results. The only way you can fail is if you don't try, I mean seriously, the hardest part about it is the actual writing, but you're sitting in front of the largest information directory ever compiled in the history of humanity! There's no rule that says you can't look over information or check out someone else's articles for a jumpstart, just don't plagiarize - most article directories screen for this anyway so your article wouldn't go live and you'd end up just wasting your time.

Let's look at the ways Article Marketing can benefit you:

ties you in with quality content, increasing your reputation places a link on the article directory websites (all of them and on as many pages as you post articles + your profile!) PageRank increases from the good PR of the article directories + the added backlinks other sites will begin posting your articles with your link, adding more backlinks people click your links and go to your site (more traffic) Googlebot crawls your site more often because of the increased backlinks people are more likely to see your site in the search engines because you're becoming a SEO Guru!

How could you not think Article Marketing is effective? Insane... Happy marketing, friends!

Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Basic Information About Solo Ads!

Advertising with solo ads is not rocket science! I'm sure that almost anyone has seen at least one solo ad and can figure out how to write one. You only need a little guidance with writing that first solo ad to make it effective.

Placing a solo ad is a very effective way to advertise because it goes out to a crowd of people who ask for your information. It is delivered right to their inbox.

The subject line of you solo ad will be the first thing that they will see, make it something to strike their attention. Your subject line will determine if they are attracted enough to open the e-mail and read it and take action on your information.

With solo ads you are given more space to tell your readers about all the benefits of your product or service. Be personal like you are having a conversation with your friend. Write your ad like you're actually sitting across from the person or talking to them on the phone. Keep it short and to the point. You don't want to sell anything you just want them to get to your web-site.

The most important part of advertising is targeting you audience. Let them know what you can do for them, why do they need this, how will it help them? You really want to focus on their needs here.

You want to find an ezine that has the same topic like the product or service you are promoting. I suggest once you find a ezine that is targeted to what you are selling, that you subscribe to their list. When you subscribe to their list you can learn more about the types of advertising that they do and you will also know when your own ad is sent out

Start testing your solo ad in a smaller ezine as they will be less expensive for you. Then when you have tweaked your ad and it is successful you can move to the larger, more expensive ones. Lots of ezines offer 2 for 1 solo ads, look for the sales. The more times your ad runs, the more profits you should make. And don't forget to test and track your ad.

Include a call to action, tell them what to do! You can also put in more than one link to your website in a solo ad. After a paragraph or two put that link there, if you have created enough interest and they are ready to go on to see what it is you are talking about and buy now, why wait until the end. They may have lost interest by then and you just lost the sale.

Always read through your ad a few times out loud to make sure it sounds good to you and always use spell check on your work. Your goal is to have a professional looking ad that attracts your audience.

Spend your time and attention on what counts. Writing great copy, sticking to your budget, and finding a publisher that you feel is in your niche. Solo ads are not a one shot deal, you will want to place it again and again.

Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

Ezine Publishing

When I began using the method of Ezine publishing and first submitted my articles, I found it a challenge as it was a new venture for me and quite difficult to learn the system. I experienced difficulties initially in getting my articles approved but after a small learning curve I confidently use this medium as a way to enhance my online marketing efforts.

By using Ezine publishing owners of businesses have one of the most powerful tools available to develop and market a business on the internet and over time build a recognised brand. This has been one of the greatest assets of the internet since its conception to provide the opportunity and actively promote e-commerce.

With Ezine publishing success is quite simple, all you need to do in order to be successful is to research information and allow yourself sufficient time to become familiar with the system, have patience with yourself and the system when first submitting your articles. Ensure that the content is interesting to the people you are trying to attract to your website. When starting with Ezine publishing it is best to write about subjects that you are comfortable with and that you have a sufficient knowledge of to produce an interesting article.

When using Ezine publishing you will want to determine the main purpose of using the site, do you want to attract visitors to your site, bring in traffic, or just advertise your products or services? You should then write your article with this in mind.

Another way to succeed with Ezine publishing is to learn about your competition. It is always beneficial to seek out and subscribe to the Ezine publications of your competitors and by doing this you will find out what is good and bad about their articles, you can learn from their mistakes and apply those findings to your articles.

Once you have completed the first steps and launched your first publication you will then need to decide how often you want to publish your Ezine articles. The frequency is left entirely to you and the time that you have allocated in your business schedule. Ezine publishing can be used daily, weekly or monthly alongside other marketing mediums. You also need to determine what format your Ezine publishing will take, some great articles have just been be a list of tips, a list of ideas, step by step instructions on how to do something or just a straight forward informal article. The next step is in to decide whether or not you want to write this content by yourself or invite other guest writers to supply content for you. When looking to make money with Ezine publishing some sites allow you to offer classified ad space as well.

The last step for your Ezine publishing is to find a hosting site for your publication. Most marketing experts recommend that you use a professional Ezine hosting site to send and receive your Ezine publications. Websites such as Topica are among the best sites to use when running an online marketing campaign. Sites like these will help new publishers with all phases of the process and they will also help make managing the Ezine publishing site easy. The site will even help new publishers grow their list of subscribers.

If you take all of this information into consideration you will be assured success when you begin an Ezine publication site for your business it is very important to use all of the resources available to make a campaign successful and effectively promote your business.

Six Great Ezine Content Ideas   

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